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Coral Reefs Volume 35 Number 4 Published

Issue 4 of Volume 35 of the Society’s Journal CORAL REEFS is now available online via the members login. Papers in this issue include:

Genetic tools link long-term demographic and life-history traits of anemonefish to their anemone hosts (Océane C. Salles, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Glenn R. Almany, Michael L. Berumen, Simon R. Thorrold, Geoffrey P. Jones & Serge Planes)

Visual orientation by the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) (Ronald Petie, Michael R. Hall, Mia Hyldahl & Anders Garm)

Hybridisation among groupers (genus Cephalopholis) at the eastern Indian Ocean suture zone: taxonomic and evolutionary implications (Samuel D. Payet, Jean-Paul A. Hobbs, Joseph D. DiBattista, Stephen J. Newman, Tane Sinclair-Taylor, Michael L. Berumen & Jennifer L. McIlwain)

In situ growth rates of deep-water octocorals determined from 3D photogrammetric reconstructions (Swaantje Bennecke, Tom Kwasnitschka, Anna Metaxas & Wolf-Christian Dullo)

Near-future ocean acidification enhances the feeding rate and development of the herbivorous juveniles of the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci (Pamela Z. Kamya, Maria Byrne, Alexia Graba-Landry & Symon A. Dworjanyn)

Ecological limitations to the resilience of coral reefs (Camilo Mora, Nicholas A. J. Graham & Magnus Nyström)

Interactive effects of three pervasive marine stressors in a post-disturbance coral reef (Michael A. Gil, Silvan U. Goldenberg, Anne Ly Thai Bach, Suzanne C. Mills & Joachim Claudet)

Differential modification of seawater carbonate chemistry by major coral reef benthic communities (Heather N. Page, Andreas J. Andersson, Paul L. Jokiel, Ku’ulei S. Rodgers, Mario Lebrato, Kiley Yeakel, Charlie Davidson, Sydney D’Angelo & Keisha D. Bahr)

Recruitment, mortality, and resilience potential of scleractinian corals at Eilat, Red Sea (Tom Shlesinger & Yossi Loya)

Skeletal records of community-level bleaching in Porites corals from Palau (Hannah C. Barkley & Anne L. Cohen)

Genetic evidence of peripheral isolation and low diversity in marginal populations of the Acropora hyacinthus complex (Go Suzuki, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Takeshi Hayashibara, Carden C. Wallace, Yoshihisa Shirayama, Chaolun Allen Chen & Hironobu Fukami)

Environmental factors limiting fertilisation and larval success in corals (Rachael M. Woods, Andrew H. Baird, Toni L. Mizerek & Joshua S. Madin)