For the first time in its history, the Best Paper Award for the ISRS journal Coral Reefs (established 1982) is awarded jointly to two papers, authored by teams led by Ashley Frisch (James Cook University, Townsville, Australia) and Daniel Holstein (The University of Miami, Florida, USA). The papers are:
Reassessing the trophic role of reef sharks as apex predators on coral reefs by Ashley J. Frisch, Matthew Ireland, Justin R. Rizzari, Oona M. Lönnstedt, Katalin A. Magnenat, Christopher E. Mirbach, Jean-Paul A. Hobbs
Modeling vertical coral connectivity and mesophotic refugia by Daniel M. Holstein, Claire B. Paris, Ana C. Vaz, Tyler B. Smith
Congratulations to these two teams on the quality of both their original research and their reports. Both studies shone new light on issues which are of great intrinsic interest and great relevance to informed conservation and management of coral reef ecosystems: the trophic role of reef sharks, and the connectivity between mesophotic and shallow-water corals. The Award consists of a plaque and cash donated by the journal’s publisher Springer. ISRS thanks Springer for their ongoing support of this Award.