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2020 Awards & Honors Recipients

We are pleased to announce the following 2020 ICRS Award Winners:

Coral Reef Conservation Award
Nyawira Muthiga, Wildlife Conservation Society, Kenya
Susan Mary Wells, conservation consultant, UK

Eminence in Research Award
Joanie Kleypas, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
Valerie Paul, Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, USA

Mid-Career Award
Andrew Baird, James Cook University, Australia

Early Career Award
Carly Kenkel, University of Southern California, USA

The winners listed above automatically received ICRS Fellow status.

The following nominees also received ICRS Fellow status:

Tamar Goulet, University of Mississippi, USA
Janice Lough, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia
Hollie Putnam, University of Rhode Island, USA
Mark E. Warner, University of Delaware, USA
Clive Robert Wilkinson, University of Queensland, Australia
Jens Zinke, The University of Leicester, UK

Thank you to all nominees, nominators, and writers of letters of support. You all help to make the ICRS a thriving Society. Thank you for all that you do to investigate, protect, and manage coral reef ecosystems. .