
President’s Message

Dear International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) friends and colleagues:


The International Coral Reef Society is a scientifically and culturally rich organization and I am proud and honored to serve as its President. Given the dire outlook for coral reefs it becomes ever more important to be an active voice for coral reefs and to effect scientific, political, and societal change.


I am incredibly grateful for the prior work of the Council led by President Andrea Grottoli and Vice President Joanie Kleypas. The society is financially in a stable position, we have expanded to include multiple new chapters, and we have launched the ‘Plan of Action’ and ‘Pledge for Reefs’. This incredible effort of ‘cleaning up’ and ‘housekeeping’ puts us now in a position where we can focus our efforts even more strongly on actively shaping our society and impacting the trajectory of coral reefs.


The ICRS, as the global organization representing coral reef science, can make a difference – and we all can be a part of it. Keep in mind that our society is shaped by its members and that any member can participate in any effort. I want all of us to help build an active network so that we can grow stronger together. To this end, we have announced the ICRS Mentoring Program to foster partnerships across career stages and institutions and to promote belonging. We are also actively working with ICRI, CORDAP, and other organizations (via ICRS representatives that report to the Council) to consolidate our common efforts and become a louder voice that is heard, not only within the realm of research, but also in politics and society.


We are also preparing to transform the ICRS webpage into a more active hub for information and (scientific) exchange. We are re-visiting our ICRS award guidelines and may add further awards to recognize efforts in communication & outreach. We are discussing a conference sustainability award to honor outstanding efforts to lower carbon footprints, and we are strategizing how to increase our income from donations to further fuel our efforts to help ensure a future for coral reefs.


In addition, arrangements for the next European Coral Reef Symposium (ECRS) meeting, to be held from July 2-5, 2024, in Naples, Italy, have been confirmed, and preparations for the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium, to be held from July 19-24, 2026 (provisional dates) in Auckland, New Zealand are well underway.


My thanks go to the Officers and Council members, volunteers who work tirelessly for the Society and to everyone else for their continuous support. Your dedication and commitment to reefs makes a difference. Let us strive together to secure a better future for coral reef ecosystems and the research that supports this pursuit, by working together across nationalities, institutions, and responsibilities!


Christian R Voolstra, PhD

President, ICRS

Professor (Chair), University of Konstanz