Elections are now due for two officers’ positions, Treasurer and Recording (Minutes) Secretary, and also for six members (half) of the Society’s Council. Nominations for these positions should now be sent by email to the current corresponding secretary (rupert.ormond.mci@gmail.com) by Friday 2nd December.
Details of the current officers and council may be found on the society’s website at: http://coralreefs.org/society-organisation/officers-and-members-of-council/. The officers completing their term are Don Potts (Treasurer) and Kiho Kim (Recording Secretary). According to the society’s constitution officers may hold their positions for no more than two consecutive four-year terms and hence Don is not eligible for re-election. The Council members completing their single 4-year term are: Juan Pablo Carricart-Ganivet, Andrea Grottoli, Jeff Miller, Erinn Muller and Stephanie Norman.
Nomination as a candidate may be made either by the candidate themselves or by a separate proposer. In either case the nomination should take the form of a short Letter of Nomination (a few lines simply stating that you wish to nominate the candidate), with the same or different copies being signed by a) the proposer, b) the seconder, and c) the candidate him/herself (if he/she is not the proposer or seconder). The signed letters may be submitted by email as one or more scans of the original. The candidate and proposer and / or seconder must all be paid-up members of the Society.
In addition each nomination should be accompanied by a short (maximum half-page) Personal Statement in which the candidate a) summarises their background and career and b) outlines any intentions they may have concerning the post, if elected. This information will be made available on-line to members when they caste their vote. This statement should be sent as a Word file.