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European Coral Reef Symposium (ECRS-2017): best student presentation awards

The ISRS sponsored awards for the best student presentations at the recent European Coral Reef Symposium in Oxford have been awarded to the following four students, for their talks on the subjects indicated.

Laura Stoltenberg (Australia), School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Lennox, NSW, Australia. Temporal variation in sediment dissolution rates under ambient and elevated pCO2 in a shallow coral reef lagoon.

Jessica Bellworthy (UK), Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. Corals in the Gulf of Aqaba are pre-adapted for climate change; transgenerational effects upon early life history physiology.

Nils Raedecker (Germany), Red Sea Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Understanding coral bleaching in the light of holobiont nutrient cycling.

Jamie Craggs (UK), Horniman Museum & Gardens, London, UK and University of Derby, Derby, UK. Developing land-based coral facilities to stimulate multiple ex-situ broadcast spawning events per year for reef restoration.

Each winner receives a US$100 cash prize plus a free ISRS T-shirt. CONGRATULATIONS to each!