The Society is delighted to be able to announce that the following members have been awarded graduate fellowships of upto US$2,500 to assist them in additional research activities supportive of their studies.
Alexander Fordyce (from UK, studying in Australia) for research entitled “The use of Computer Tomography to investigate fine scale structure, density and porosity of coral skeletons following thermal stress and resulting chemical dissolution by microbial endoliths”.
Remi Ketchum (from US, studying in US) for research entitled “Molecular and microbial mechanisms of thermal adaptation in the keystone urchin, Echinometra mathaei, along the Arabian Peninsula”.
Maria Santos (from Brazil, studying in Japan) for research entitled “Sibling zoantharian species: connectivity and associated zooxanthellae”.
Karine Scavo (from US, studying in US) for research entitled “Evaluating the role of mangroves as refugia for the branching reef coral, Porites divaricata”.
Amanda Ramos (from Cuba, studying in Cuba) for research entitled “Influence of benthic algae on larval behavior and settlement of the coral Acropora palmata”.
Athira Prasad (from India, studying in India) for research entitled “Climate Change and Population Connectivity of Lakshadweep Atolls”.