A final reminder to members that the deadline for voting in the Society Elections – the day’s end on Friday January 25th 2019 – is fast approaching. The voting is to elect a new President, new Vice-President and new Corresponding Secretary, together with six replacement Council members and two temporary ones.
Members should have received an email from the Society’s membership services team with details of how to log-in and cast their votes. To vote go to the ballot page and enter your membership ID : http://www.sgmeet.com/isrs/ballots/2018/election.htm
Each member should have received their ID number when renewing their membership. A reminder was also included in the the instructions for voting which should have been received by every paid-up member on or about 21st December (2018). Any member who did not received instructions on voting should contact membership services at: isrs@sgmeet.com
We are grateful to the candidates for being willing to stand and to serve our coral reef community. Please take the time to read their personal statements which can be found at http://www.sgmeet.com/isrs/ballots/2018/officers.htm and http://www.sgmeet.com/isrs/ballots/2018/councilors.htm