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New Name And New Logo For The Society

We are delighted to be able to announce that, in line with the recently approved amendments to our constitution, the Council of the Society has agreed that the change in the Society’s name to the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) become effective from January 1st, 2019. The initials will thus be identical with those used for the International Coral Reef Symposia, except that in future the initials for the latter should also include the number or year of the conference, as in ICRS2020 for our next global conference, to be held in Bremen, Germany, over 5th-10th July, 2020.

In addition, we are proud to be able to unveil our new Society logo, shown here. It is hoped that the new name and logo (designed by Robert Plowman) will attract an increasing number of members, especially young scientists and conservationist, to help us promote the cause of coral reefs.

Our website’s banner will shortly be modified to reflect these changes.