Awards & Honors Nominations

We solicit and encourage nominations from Society members from all regions for each of the awards listed below.

Darwin Medal

Due: 15 December 2025 ahead of the 16th ICRS Symposium.

Eligibility criteria and nomination details are listed at the website for the Darwin Medal.

Society Annual Awards

Due: 15 March each year

Eligibility criteria are listed at the websites for:

All Society Annual awards should be submitted here as a single .doc or .pdf file (E-mailed submissions will not be accepted).

Nominations must include:

  • A one-page nomination letter (not to exceed 700 words) from a current ICRS member (self-nominations are not permitted)
  • Two additional letters of support (not to exceed 500 words each)
  • A C.V. (up to 6 pages in length) of the nominee

Rules in nomination:

  1. Nominators for ICRS Fellows and the Darwin Medal must be current members. Membership is not required of other award nominators.
  2. Nominators cannot also be nominated for the same award category in the same year.
  3. The consideration of career breaks and exceptions for meeting award criteria can also apply to membership requirements.
  4. Any member can be nominated for more than one award during the same year if they meet the eligibility requirements (e.g., Eminence in Research Award and ICRS Fellow), but the letters of nomination and support should speak to all awards indicated.
  5. The letters of support should avoid repeating information presented in other letters or in the nominee’s C.V.
  6. All nomination materials for a candidate must be submitted together as a single file with the online form.
  7. The file should be named as: AwardName_NominatorLastName_NomineeLastName  (e.g., EarlyCareerAward_Smith_Axelrod.pdf).  If the nominee is being nominated for two awards, please incorporate both award names in the file name.

If you are applying for the following awards (Eminence in Research, Mid and Early Career, World Reef or Coral Reef Conservation) AND meet the criteria for ICRS Fellow (as outlined HERE), you may also consider applying for ICRS Fellow Status. To do so, please include a paragraph (<200 words) in the nomination letter that specifically addresses how you meet this awards criteria.

Questions about awards and honors should be addressed to Dr. Tracy Ainsworth.

Fellowship Awards

Due: 15 March each year

Eligibility criteria are listed at the websites for: