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Latest Issue of REEF ENCOUNTER Published

The latest issue of Reef Encounter (the Society’s News Journal) has been published and is available for download as a high resolution copy (9 MB) HERE or a lower resolution copy (4.5 MB) HERE.

The issue contains important society news concerning honors, awards and grants, the next European (2017) and International (2020) Coral Reef Sympsia, and the forthcoming International year of the Reef (2018). The issue also contains impressive articles overviewing the terrible extent of the recent third global coral bleaching event and describing the production of the dramatic documentary film Chasing Corals, which illustrates the impact of bleaching and which we urge you to watch – it is available on Netflix. In addition there are reports and short communications about studies in Australia, Chagos, Cuba, Florida, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, and the US Virgin Islands. It’s an information packed issue – well worth reading!