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Reef Encounter

The ICRS news journal, Reef Encounter is a magazine-style publication that is published up to 2 times per year and includes articles reviewing recent trends in a particular field or discussing a significant topic.

Coordinating Editor: Dr. Rupert Ormond Deputy Editor: Dr. Caroline Rogers

REEF ENCOUNTER is the magazine style newsletter of the International Coral Reef Society. It was first published in 1983. Following a short break in production it was re-launched in electronic (pdf) form. Contributions are welcome, especially from members. In addition to reviews and discussions, it accepts short scientific-letter type papers highlighting new findings or observations, articles describing current research or conservation programs, or reviews of new books, reports and equipment. Submissions of articles, topic suggestions, and other ideas should be sent to the coordinating or deputy editor.

Additional Details

Title: Reef Encounter
Date: October 1983 – Present
(No issues published in 2011, 2012, 2013)
ISSN: Online: 2790-5217
Print: 0255-2787
Coordinating Editor: Rupert Ormond (
Deputy Editor: Caroline Rogers (
Editorial Panel: Caroline Rogers (
Beatriz Casareto (
Douglas Fenner (
Edwin Hernandez-Delgado (
Dennis Hubbard (
Nicolas Pascal (
William Precht (
Silas Principe (
Sue Wells (
Suggested Citation: Ormond, R. and Rogers, C (editors), Reef Encounter,
Copyright Information: Copyright @ 2021, International Coral Reef Society.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit services, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. No use of this publication may be made for resale or any other commercial purpose without prior permission in writing.

Recent Issues

REEF ENCOUNTER issues 40-54 are available in two PDF versions: high resolution suitable for printing and low resolution suitable for viewing on screen or emailing. Note that DOI numbers are only available beginning with Reef Encounter 50 (Vol. 36, No. 1)

Past Issues

REEF ENCOUNTER issues 1-39 are available in high-resolution PDF. Note the break in production between Jan 2010 and Feb 2014.